Acronym | Meaning |
AAL | above aerodrome level |
ACD | airways clearance delivery |
ADF | automatic direction finder |
AESIS | automatic en route information service |
AF | audio frequency |
AFRU | aerodrome frequency response unit |
AGL | above ground level |
AI | attitude indicator |
AIC | Aeronautical Information Circular |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIREP | air report |
AIS | aeronautical information service |
ALA | aircraft landing area |
ALT | altitude |
AM | amplitude modulation |
AMSL | above mean sea level |
APP | approach control |
ARFOR | area forecast |
ASI | airspeed indicator |
ATIS | automatic terminal information service |
ATPL | air transport pilot licence |
ATS | air traffic services |
AVGAS | aviation gasoline |
AWIB | aerodrome weather information broadcast |
AWS | automatic weather station |
CAO | Civil Aviation Order |
CAR | Civil Aviation Regulation |
CASA | Civil Aviation Safety Authority |
CASR | Civil Aviation Safety Regulation |
CAVOK | ceiling and visibility OK |
CENSAR | centralised SARTIME |
CERT | certified aerodrome |
CFI | chief flying instructor |
CG | centre of gravity |
CIR | command instrument rating |
CLR | clearance or clear |
COM | communications |
CPL | commercial pilot licence |
cps | cycles per second |
CST | central standard time |
CSuT | central summer time |
CTA | control area/controlled airspace |
CTAF | common traffic advisory frequency |
CTR | control zone |
CW | carrier wave |
DA | density altitude |
DG | directional gyro |
DI | direction indicator |
DME | distance measuring equipment |
ELB | emergency locator beacon |
ELT | emergency locator transmitter |
EMERG | emergency |
ENR | en route (e.g AIP ENR) |
ERC | En Route Chart |
ERSA | En Route Supplement Australia |
EST | Eastern Standard Time |
ESuT | Eastern Summer Time |
ETA | estimated time of arrival |
FAC | facility |
FIA | flight information area |
FIR | flight information region |
FIS | flight information service |
FL | flight level |
FM | frequency modulation |
FPM | feet per minute |
FROL | flight radiotelephone operator licence |
FS | flight service |
FT | feet |
GA | general aviation |
GEN | general (e.g. AIP GEN) |
GFPT | General Flying Progress Test |
GNSS | global navigation satellite system |
GPS | global positioning system |
GS | groundspeed |
HDG | heading |
HF | high frequency |
Hz | hertz |
IAS | indicated airspeed |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
IFF | identification friend/foe |
IFR | instrument flight rules |
ILS | instrument landing system |
IMC | instrument meteorological conditions |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
kHz | kilohertz |
KIAS | knots, indicated airspeed |
km | kilometre |
kt | knot |
KTAS | knots, true airspeed |
L/D | lift drag ratio |
LAME | licensed aircraft maintenance engineer |
LF | low frequency |
LL | lower limits |
LMT | local mean time |
LSALT | lowest safe altitude |
LST | local standard time |
MAP | manifold absolute pressure |
MET | meteorology |
METAR | aviation routine weather report |
MF | medium frequency |
MHz | megahertz |
MIL | military aerodrome (could be CTAF after hours) |
MLJ | military low jet (route) |
MP | manifold pressure |
MULTICOM | chatter frequency |
NAV | navigation |
NAVAID | navigation aid |
NDB | non directional beacon |
NOTAM | notice to airmen |
PAX | passengers |
PCA | Planning Chart Australia |
PIC | pilot in command |
POB | persons on board |
POH | pilot’s operating handbook |
PPL | private pilot licence |
PRD | prohibited, restricted and danger areas |
PTT | press to talk (or transmit) |
PVT | private category flight |
QNH | altimeter pressure datum to show vertical distance above local mean sea level (AMSL) |
R/T | radio telephony |
RA | recreational aviation |
RBI | relative bearing indicator |
RCC | rescue coordination centre |
REG | registered aerodrome |
RF | radio frequency |
RMI | radio magnetic indicator |
ROC | rate of climb |
ROD | rate of descent |
RPM | revolutions per minute |
RPT | regular public transport |
RQMNTS | requirements |
RTF | radio telephone |
RWY | runway |
SAR | search and rescue |
SARTIME | a nominated time by which search action will be initiated |
SARWATCH | a generic term covering SAR alerting, based on position reporting, scheduled reporting times (SKEDS), or a nominated SARTIME |
SBY | standby |
SIGMET | significant weather warning |
SIS | surveillance information service |
SMC | surface movement control |
SSR | secondary surveillance radar |
SUBJ | subject to |
TAC | terminal area chart |
TAF | terminal area forecast |
TAS | true airspeed |
TR | track over the ground |
TST | test |
TWR | aerodrome control tower |
UHF | ultra high frequency |
UNCR | unregistered (uncertified) aerodrome |
UNICOM | universal communications (frequency) |
USG | US gallon |
UTC | coordinated universal time |
UV | ultraviolet |
VFR | visual flight rules |
VHF | very high frequency |
VLF | very low frequency |
VMC | visual meteorological conditions |
VNC | visual navigation chart (1,500,000) |
VOR | VHF omni-directional radio range |
VSI | vertical speed indicator |
VTC | Visual Terminal Chart (1,250,000) |
W/V | wind velocity |
WAC | World Aeronautical Chart (1,1,000,000) |
WST | Western Standard Time |
WX | weather |
XW or X-wind | crosswind |